On 3 March 2015, TAI co-hosted with MEP Arne Lietz the panel discussion "Islamist Ideology and Terrorism in the EU: Understanding the Threat from Within."
After Toulouse, Brussels, Paris and now Copenhagen, the threat of Islamist terrorism has taken center stage in Europe. Much of the current discussion centers on better counterterrorism coordination and increased security, no doubt vital policy tools to deal with the immediate threat. But unless we understand the radicalization process that leads these young men to violence, we cannot hope to find...Read more
11 September 2014 – Brussels – The AJC Transatlantic Institute is shocked that a panelist invited by the EU Parliament Human Rights Subcommittee encouraged MEP's to call Israel's actions in Gaza “Holocaust."
Nurit Peled, an Israeli professor of linguistics and Sakharov Prize laureate, urged MEPs to use the term “Holocaust” to describe Israel's actions in Gaza in 2014. The incident occured on 11 September 2014 during a hearing of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human...
24 July 2014 – Brussels – The AJC Transatlantic Institute calls on Members of the European Parliament to address the new wave of anti-Semitism in the European Union and urges as a first concrete step a public hearing on this issue in Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and...
July 21, 2014 – Brussels -- AJC calls on the European Union to convene an extraordinary meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to address the wave of violence against Jews across Europe.
“From Berlin to Paris, from London to Brussels, we...
June 26, 2014 – Brussels – Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras addressed an AJC Transatlantic Institute dinner last night. While acknowledging the immense challenges facing his country since 2008, including nearly 60 percent youth unemployment, he presented a generally...
May 26, 2014 - Brussels - The AJC Transatlantic Institute expressed its great concern over the success of extremist parties in a number of member states in the European Parliament elections.
February 20, 2014 – Brussels – AJC’s Transatlantic Institute (TAI) celebrated its tenth anniversary with a gala dinner in Brussels. The evening was a celebration of the vital importance of the relationship between Europe and the U.S. "We are here tonight to celebrate our...