Brussels Jewish Museum


Brussels Jewish Museum



AJC Transatlantic Institute Condemns Ban on Religious Slaughter in Wallonia

Brussels– 18 May 2017 – The AJC Transatlantic Institute condemns the decision by the Walloon Parliament to ban religious slaughter as an attack not just against the Orthodox community that will be most directly affected but as an attack against Jewish life in Belgium in...


EU Commissioner Věra Jourová addresses AJC'S Strategy Conference on Combatting Anti-Semitism

Ms. Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers, and Gender Equality, addressed AJC's Strategy Conference to combat anti-Semitism.


Jan Jambon addresses AJC's Strategy Conference on Anti-Semitism

Jan Jambon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security and the Interior of Belgium, at the AJC's Strategy Conference on Combat Anti-Semitism.


CNN Interview: TAI Director Daniel Schwammenthal discusses anti-Semitism in EU

On 16 February 2015, CNN interviewed TAI Director Daniel Schwammenthal. Daniel talked about the rise of anti-Semitism in the EU and called for a high-level conference. 


Europe’s Jews under Assault

By Daniel Schwammenthal

The Miami Herald

15 September 2014

With thousands of European Jihadists fighting in Syria...


AJC Transatlantic Institute Calls on European Parliament to Address New Wave of Anti-Semitism

24 July 2014 – Brussels – The AJC Transatlantic Institute calls on Members of the European Parliament to address the new wave of anti-Semitism in the European Union and urges as a first concrete step a public hearing on this issue in Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and...


AJC Calls on EU Ministers to Convene Special Meeting on Anti-Semitism

July 21, 2014 – Brussels -- AJC calls on the European Union to convene an extraordinary meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to address the wave of violence against Jews across Europe.

“From Berlin to Paris, from London to Brussels, we...


Do Jews Have a Future in Europe?

By Simone Rodan-Benzaquen and Daniel Schwammenthal

The Wall Street Journal Europe

11 June 2014...

Past events

May 03, 2016

Terror, Asymmetric Conflicts and Failing States: European-Israeli Dialogue on National Security and Regional Stability

Rarely have the European Union and Israel shared so many common threats and interests as in this period of failing states, Islamist terrorism and porous borders. With a long experience in battling terrorism, Israel is...