Anti-Israel Bias
Even-Handed or Heavy-Handed Relations?
In “Mission Impossible? Repairing the Ties between Europe and Israel,” a publication of “The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,” Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal highlights the EU’s propensity to look at its relationship with the Jewish state predominantly through the prism of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
AJC Dismayed at European Parliament Vote Backing Anti-Israel Policies at the UN Human Rights Council
12 March 2015 – Strasbourg – The AJC Transatlantic Institute is dismayed at a European Parliament resolution that calls on EU member states to back discriminatory policies against Israel at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).
In its...
That "Moment of Clarity" at the UN over Israel
By Daniel Schwammenthal
Outer Space is one of the topics the UN General Assembly’s Fourth...
Counterpoint: Anti-Israel Bias in the European Parliament
On Thursday, October 17, 2013, the European Parliament hosted not one, but two events on the situation of Bedouins in Israel. An important topic, but perhaps not one requiring two forums on the same day. The reason? The event organised by the Socialist and Democrats Group...
The Economist and its "Auschwitz Complex"
By Daniel Schwammenthal
The Economist’s 19th century founder, Scottish hat maker James Wilson,...
Europe Should Follow Goldstone's Lead
By Daniel Schwammenthal
The Wall Street Journal Europe
When the U.N. endorsed the report accusing Israel of war...