AJC Transatlantic Institute Welcomes the European Commission’s New Policy to Condition Funding to the Palestinian Authority on Reforms

Press releases

AJC Transatlantic Institute Welcomes the European Commission’s New Policy to Condition Funding to the Palestinian Authority on Reforms

Brussels – 19 July 2024 

The AJC Transatlantic Institute welcomes today's announcement by the European Commission to condition for the first time its financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority on substantive reforms, specifically overhauling its education and social security sector, fighting corruption, and advancing the rule of law.  

This is a good and long-overdue first step in the right direction, a position AJC has long advanced. If we want to see any chance for peace, the antisemitic incitement in Palestinian textbooks must finally end, just as the salaries for convicted terrorists, which the Palestinian Authority badly disguises as ‘welfare payments,’ must finally cease,” said Daniel Schwammenthal, Director of the American Jewish Committee’s Brussels-based EU Office, the AJC Transatlantic Institute. “We thank Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, for this important decision. However, it is now up to the Commission to diligently implement this new policy. We need close supervision and strict enforcement of the conditionality principle to ensure that EU money never again helps fund the indoctrination of Palestinian children and the support of terrorists. We also urge EU Member States to adopt the same conditionality principle in their funding to the PA to ensure that all European financial assistance to the Palestinians is compatible with the EU’s declared policy goals of pursuing peace and a negotiated two-state solution,” Schwammenthal continued.  

In 2021, an EU-commissioned study by the Georg-Eckert-Institute confirmed that Palestinian schoolbooks promote antisemitism, incitement to hatred, and glorifying terror. AJC has long urged the EU to condition some of its funding to PA on reforms in the textbooks. For many years, the PA has also misused a substantial part of its budget to pay salaries to convicted terrorists in Israeli prisons, indexing the payments to the gravity of their crimes. 

A recently released poll by Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey research, led by leading Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki, showed that two-thirds of Palestinians support the October 7 massacres. According to the survey, 75% of Palestinians also support the performance of Hamas during the ongoing war.