Transatlantic Dialogue Luncheon: Beyond Buzzwords - How will TTIP affect our Everyday Lives?


Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:30 to 14:30

Transatlantic Dialogue Luncheon: Beyond Buzzwords - How will TTIP affect our Everyday Lives?

Discussions on TTIP have focused on highly specialized issues or revolved around very broad topics such as the setting of global standards for trade. Yet, TTIP will likely affect many different aspects of our everyday life: what kind of medicine we take, which cosmetics we use, and how much we shop online in stores across the Atlantic. All this will also influence business opportunities and change the reality of business owners. Not everyone will be a winner, and prognoses foresee that some groups and some countries will gain more than others should an agreement be reached. What changes will TTIP bring in our everyday lives? Together with experts from academia, politics, consumer protection and business, we would like to shed light on this question and look at tangible benefits and possible disadvantages for both consumers and businesses.

*Read a Report of this Event on FNF's Website*  


Julie Cantalou, European Affairs Manager, Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Isabelle Buscke, Head of Brussels Office, Federation of German Consumer Organisations

Dr. Daniel Mitrenga, Chief Economist, German Association of Family Businesses, 

Dr. Dennis Novy, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Warwick, Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords on TTIP 2013/14

Marietje Schaake MEP, Committee on International Trade, ALDE Group

Moderation Daniela Vincenti, Editor-in-Chief,

Concluding Remarks

Daniel Schwammenthal, Director, AJC Transatlantic Institute

Date and time

Date and time

Thursday, May 28, 2015
06:30 - 08:30 EDT
11:30 - 13:30 WEST
12:30 - 14:30 CEST
13:30 - 15:30 EEST


Renaissance Hotel
Rue du Parnasse 19
1000 Brussels
