Happy Birthday Israel!
The Jewish state celebrated its 72nd birthday this week. AJC CEO David Harris writes in this powerful essay about the history and meaning of Israel’s miraculous journey. The establishment of the state in 1948 was the fulfillment of its envisioned role as home and safe haven for Jews from around the world. Forced to fight wars and terrorism from day one, Israel’s wholehearted embrace of democracy, its impressive scientific, cultural, and economic achievements are all the more remarkable.
The Vast Potential of the Greece-Cyprus-Israel Triangle in the EastMed
“We never stopped dreaming, we never succumbed to the obstacles in our path, and we never took no for an answer when it came to overcoming decades of chill in the Cyprus-Greece-Israel links,” stresses AJC CEO David Harris in a wide-ranging interview with Kathimerini, the influential Greek daily newspaper. The Greece-Israel-Cyprus alliance, for which AJC has long advocated, is one of the most important developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.
AJC Joins Historic Multi-Faith Gathering in Saudi Arabia
"Cooperation between religions is the best way to fight against extremism and advance common goals for the sake of all humanity." AJC Director of International Interreligious Affairs Rabbi David Rosen spoke at a historic multi-faith gathering with religious representatives in Saudi Arabia last month. Marking a monumental shift in regional interfaith relations and a positive transformation of Muslim-Jewish relations around the globe, Rabbi Rosen was the only Israeli at the assembly.
The Importance of Israel
For the past 40 years, AJC CEO David Harris has been a leading advocate for strengthening Israel’s place in the community of nations, deepening ties with key countries, and advancing Israel’s quest for enduring peace and security. Tune in to hear Harris discuss why Israel is central to the Jewish people, AJC, and Jewish advocacy.
AJC's New Abu Dhabi Office Embraces A New Era Of Peace
AJC Abu Dhabi is our first office in an Arab or majority-Muslim state. AJC Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer Jason Isaacson writes in the Jerusalem Post what this groundbreaking office means for the future of Arab-Jewish relations.
Freedom Sunday and the Soviet Jewry Movement
For many years, AJC CEO David Harris was active in one of the most successful human rights campaigns in modern history, the Soviet Jewry movement, where he served as the national coordinator for Freedom Sunday. The 1987 demonstration in Washington, D.C. that drew over 250,000 participants remains the largest Jewish gathering in American history. Watch David Harris presents the Soviet Jewry campaign as a case study for effective advocacy.
Antisemitism and Foreign Policy: Amnesty International's Israel Report
By denouncing and attempting to uniquely criminalize Jewish self-determination, Amnesty International’s latest report accusing Israel of apartheid has earned a place of dishonor in the annals of antisemitism. AJC Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal joined the Hudson Institute's Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East, for a virtual international panel discussion on the document’s objective to delegitimize the lone Jewish-majority state in the world.
Amnesty International Claim That Israel Is An Apartheid State Is Recklessly Ill-Informed
In this column for Religion News Service, AJC CEO David Harris explains that the fundamental problem with the Amnesty International report is that it tries to show that Israeli Arabs, who have full citizenship and serve alongside Jewish citizens as ambassadors, doctors, and judges in the Supreme Court, are subject to what Amnesty labels “apartheid.” The brazen lies are nothing more than a false narrative that seeks to delegitimize the lone Jewish-majority state in the world.
Amnesty’s Outrageous Lie, its Big Problem with Jews, and the Truth About Israel - AJC Reacts
On February 1st, Amnesty International-UK presented an unbalanced, inaccurate, and incomplete review accusing Israel of forcing the Palestinians in the “Occupied Palestinian Territories,” and in Israel itself, to live with “cruel segregation, dispossession and exclusion”. This libelous document resorts to baseless ‘apartheid’ accusations against Israel commits a double injustice: It fuels those antisemites around the world who seek to undermine the only Jewish country on earth, while simultaneously cheapening and downplaying the horrific suffering that was a result of apartheid in South Africa. AJC exposes the report’s most glaring biases and myths, and why they couldn’t be further from the truth.
A Year After the Abraham Accords, Reasons For Hope
The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel stunned the world when they signed the Abraham Accords. While reflecting on the first anniversary of the deal with Morocco, AJC's Jason Isaacson notes in Newslooks the accords were only the "logical next step in a process that had been gaining momentum for decades."
AJC, Mimouna Association Launch Fellowship Program for Young Israeli, Moroccan, U.S. Professionals
A new initiative sponsored by American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Mimouna Association is bringing together for the first time a group of young Americans, Israelis, and Moroccans to deepen understanding and build cooperative relationships.
The AJC -Mimouna Michael Sachs Emerging...