Michael Laubsch (STOPEXTREMISM) on how to Effectively Implement Counter Extremism Programmes
On May 17, 2018, the AJC Transatlantic Institute and CSU Brussels, in partnership with the European Foundation for Democracy, hosted an event entitled “Terrorist Structures in Europe - Front Organizations, Financing, Propaganda and Recruitment” in the European Parliament. Speakers included Udo Bux, Chairman of CSU Brussels, Daniel Schwammenthal, Director of AJC Transatlantic Institute, Monika Hohlmeier MEP, Special Committee on Terrorism, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Vice-Chair of Committee of Budget, Michael Laubsch, Policy Analyst and Member of the European Citizens‘ Initiative STOP EXTREMISM, Gerta Zaimi, Researcher at CSSII (International Strategic Studies Center), University of Florence and Dr. Magnus Norell, Senior Fellow at the European Foundation for Democracy.