Women in the Middle East


Women in the Middle East



Counterpoint: Middle East News Round-Up

Host Joshua Goodman discusses three stories from the Middle East - the crisis in Syria, the status of women in the Arab World, and the murder of an Israeli soldier - with Daniel Schwammenthal, Director of the AJC Transatlantic Institute.

Past events

June 14, 2016

Between Engagement and Hegemony: Iran after the Nuclear Deal

The AJC Transatlantic Institute, along with Members of the European Parliament Bas Belder, Petras Auštrevičiusand Tunne Kelam co-organized hosted the panel discussion "Between Engagement and Hegemony: Iran After the...
May 31, 2016

Integration Through Innovation: Minorities in Israel, the High-Tech Industry and Lessons for Europe

The AJC Transatlantic Institute and MEP’s Péter Niedermüller and Heinz K. Becker co-organized the event "Integration Through Innovation: Minorities in Israel, the High-Tech Industry and Lessons for Europe” in the...