Washington Institute for Near East Policy


Washington Institute for Near East Policy



Mapping Hezbollah’s Global Terror and Crime Network

AJC hosted Matthew Levitt, Director of the Washington Institute's Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Program, for a one-hour webinar on his recently launched Hezbollah Worldwide Activity Map, the largest database of open-source information about Hezbollah's worldwide illicit activities. Hosted on the Washington Institute’s website, the interactive map highlights the operations of Iran’s proxy in France and in Europe, including Hezbollah’s role in money laundering, drug trafficking, support of other terrorist organizations, and organized crime.

Past events

November 09, 2015

Germany, Israel, Europe – Special Relations and the Middle East in Turmoil

The year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic ties between Germany and Israel. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer laid the foundation for the development of intense political,...
February 02, 2012

Ambassador Dennis Ross on "Iran and the West"

TAI and the German Marshall Fund co-hosted a briefing with Ambassador Dennis Ross for a select audience of Members of the European Parliament, EU and NATO officials as well as high-ranking diplomats. Ambassador Ross,...
April 01, 2011

"America's Strategy for the New Middle East" - Michael Singh briefs MEP's and official

TAI co-hosted in the European Parliament a talk on "America's Strategy for the New Middle East": Led by France and the UK, the EU has driven the international efforts in response to the troubling situation in Lybia - a...